Saturday, September 29, 2012

Interview with an Ally: Carwyn

Name: Carwyn

Age: 25

Race/Ethnicity: Caucasian

Gender: Male

Religion: Catholic

Socio-economic status: Lower middle class, working

Disability Status: none

When and how did you first decide you were a heterosexual?: I never chose my sexuality, it’s something that was/is inscribed in my nature.

To whom have you disclosed your heterosexual tendencies? How did they react?: I’ve never disclosed my sexuality, it is largely just assumed because (statistically speaking) most men are heterosexual unless they’ve disclosed otherwise. And I say that “most” men are heterosexual based on the intuition pump that that’s the statistical norm.

Have you tried an alternative to heterosexuality? Would you like to?: Nah, not interested.

Is it possible your heterosexuality is just a phase you may grow out of?: Most likely not, unless the definition of heterosexual changes. You are who God created you to be.

What do you think caused your heterosexuality?: (1) Genetics (with the presupposition of creation, namely that God created genetics), (2) expected social behavior,(3) the desire to have children. I can see whether men or women are attractive, but its only women that sexually arouse me.

What do you like about being heterosexual? What don't you like about being heterosexual?: Well you know your sexuality because your body will respond to the sex you’re attracted to, as is it’s nature. I would say that’s a very pleasurable, normal, and natural thing to experience. I would say the experience itself is what I like, and what anyone of any sexual orientation likes. I love my sexuality and there’s nothing I don’t like about it. Every creature by nature is a sexual being. Life could not sustain itself otherwise. I hope that everyone sees that their sexuality is created Good and out of Love, and have no shame about who they are.

Special thanks to Carwyn for his courage and insight!
*Questions taken from the Heterosexuality Questionnaire, Attributed to Martin Rochlin, PhD, January 1977*


Friday, September 28, 2012

Interview with an Ally: Andy

Name: Andy

Age: 28

Race/Ethnicity: White

Gender: Male

Religion: Agnostic/Muslim

Socio-economic status: Working class

Disability Status: Able bodied

When and how did you first decide you were a heterosexual?: I think I knew I was heterosexual from the beginning, although there were times when I would think if I was attracted to the same sex, it always seemed clear to me that I was attracted to the opposite sex.

To whom have you disclosed your heterosexual tendencies? How did they react?: I have not really disclosed it to anyone, it has been just assumed that I am heterosexual.

Have you tried an alternative to heterosexuality?: No I have not.

Is it possible your heterosexuality is just a phase you may grow out of?: I doubt it is just a phase. I am pretty sure that I am heterosexual and am attracted to the opposite sex.

What do you think caused your heterosexuality?: Probably a combination of my biological make-up. I find women attractive and sexually arousing. I can recognize attractiveness in men as well but I do not find them sexually attractive or arousing. It is a combination of my inclination to find the opposite sex attractive and sexually arousing, and the social forces in place that make any other options less viable and even unthinkable to some that are close to me that has caused my heterosexuality.

*Questions taken from the Heterosexuality Questionnaire, Attributed to Martin Rochlin, PhD, January 1977*